Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An open door of possibilities..

First and foremost, eating disorders are incredibly serious disorders. They're multi-dimensional issues that draw in problems from society, personal biology, psychology, family dynamics, and most often, a perfectionist and easily dissatisfied temperament.

Though I wish it weren't the case,
Eating disorders are a lifelong struggle.

Recovery is a life-long process that results in just as many failures as it does victories and it takes an enormous and heartfelt amount of dedication and a resilient attitude that life is in fact worth living.

Eating disorders are on the rise in the United States and girls and boys of consistently younger ages are being affected. If you know anyone with an eating disorder or you have one yourself, just know that you are not alone. 

I'm hoping this blog will be able to address many of the contributing factors to eating disorders, the variety of treatments, how intertwined American culture is in the breeding of anorexia and bulimia, and many other ideas. Hopefully this will be an organic process with small bits and pieces from anywhere I can find them. Eating disorders can tear lives and families apart and they're an incredibly sensitive and personal issue that I know is often shied away from. Hopefully this blog will assist in my own recovery and acceptance of my body as my life as it begins to knit itself back together and become whole. All I really know is that I want to make a difference. Even if it's just a single person;

Never lose hope.

love and light, 
ashley <3

If you're serious about recovery, here are a few useful resources:

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